Personalized. Innovative. Effective.

Lisa Wilson Skin Care personalizes beauty treatments and customizes each individual service to achieve optimum skin health.
Lisa incorporates the latest skin care technologies into her services to obtain long-lasting, spectacular results.
Lisa is committed to meeting clients' skin and body care needs, while remaining true to a philosophy that emphasizes a holistic sense of wellness. Her goal is to make everyone feel and look great, with enjoyable and pleasant salon treatments.
Lisa Wilson Skin Care is located in beautiful Malibu, California. Lisa also has a fully mobile set-up and can visit you in your home.
Lisa incorporates the latest skin care technologies into her services to obtain long-lasting, spectacular results.
Lisa is committed to meeting clients' skin and body care needs, while remaining true to a philosophy that emphasizes a holistic sense of wellness. Her goal is to make everyone feel and look great, with enjoyable and pleasant salon treatments.
Lisa Wilson Skin Care is located in beautiful Malibu, California. Lisa also has a fully mobile set-up and can visit you in your home.